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유엔 플라스틱 협약 제5차 정부간협상위원회(INC-5) 폐회식 발언문(2024.12.1.)


National Statement by H.E. Cho Tae-yul

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea

Plenary, INC-5

Busan, December 1, 2024


Thank you,

Mr. Chairman,

Let me begin by acknowledging the significant progress we have made over the past week in Busan. The discussions have been robust, the debates productive.

To the negotiators who have worked tirelessly and shown unparalleled dedication, I commend your efforts. Your expertise and determination have brought us this far.

Over the past days, we have made incredible strides. Together, we have navigated through complex issues and deeply entrenched positions, always keeping in sight the shared goal that unites us: to forge an international convention that will combat plastic pollution and safeguard our planet for generations to come.

Most importantly, we have built a strong foundation for further convergence among countries. This is something we should all take pride in. Numbers speak for themselves. Through the course of intense negotiation and compromise, we reduced a compilation text that ran over 70 pages into 20-some pages.

It is essential that we do not give up the shared goal of creating a legally binding instrument to tackle plastic pollution. We must build on what we have negotiated so far. We have made substantial strides, and we cannot afford to lose the ground we have gained.

Let me be clear: it is not acceptable to revert to the compilation text. We cannot afford to step backward. The progress we have made is real, and it is the product of hard work, engagement, and a collective commitment to finding solutions.

We believe the Chair’s latest text, in particular, serves as a sound basis of negotiations moving forward.

The text embodies the collective efforts of all of us, and we believe it duly reflects outcome of negotiations so far and represents a balanced approach that sets the stage for the next steps in our work.

Let us remember that our goal of establishing a global plastics treaty will only be met when we recognize that compromise is not a sign of weakness but of strength. It reflects our ability to balance diverse priorities and reconcile competing interests for the greater good.

I urge each of you to demonstrate the courage to make difficult concessions and the vision to see beyond immediate challenges to the immense possibilities that lie ahead. Flexibility and pragmatism must guide our actions. We cannot afford to let perfection become the enemy of progress.

Most importantly, let us not lose sight of the profound significance of this moment. The world faces a crisis of plastic pollution that threatens ecosystems, livelihoods, and the health of communities across the globe.

The decisions we make as UN member states will reverberate far beyond this room, shaping the future of our planet and the legacy we leave behind.

Let history remember us as leaders who ultimately rose above differences, who chose cooperation over conflict, and who had the foresight to act decisively when the stakes were at their highest.

In closing, I would like to once again express my heartfelt gratitude to all delegates for your valuable contributions to these negotiations. Your efforts bring us closer to a unified global solution to plastic pollution.

To the leaders and decision-makers here in Busan, your wisdom and guidance are needed more than ever to inspire consensus and propel us toward a successful outcome in the future.

Let us remain steadfast in our resolve to create a world free of plastic pollution, ensuring a healthier planet for generations to come. /END/

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